Laws and regulations |
The Law on Foreign Trade Transactions lays down cases where measures affecting foreign trade in goods may be introduced, including licences, in line with rules of the World Trade Organization. The list of goods subject to issuance of document that is a condition for import, export or transit of such goods is published in the Decision on Determining Goods Subject to Issuance of Specific Documents on Importation, Exportation and Transit. |
Licencing procedure |
Foreign trade in Arms and Military Equipment and Dual Use Goods is regulated by two Laws: Law on Export and Import of Arms and Military Equipment (enacted in 2014) and the Law on Export and Import of Dual Use Goods (enacted in 2013). Goods that are subject to license are listed in the National Control List of Arms and Military Equipment and the National Control List of Dual-Use Goods. Both lists are harmonized with EU Lists (EU Military List and EU Dual Use Items List). Licences for export, import of goods from National Checklists, providing brokering activities and technical assistanse are issued by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication. The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications issues licenses for the export / import of sport and hunting weapons, parts and ammunition thereof, commercial explosives, pyrotechnic derivatives, precious metals. The lists of such goods are provided in the Decision on Determining Goods Subject to Issuance of Specific Documents on Importation, Exportation and Transit. Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted new Regulation concerning the export and import of goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, harmonized with the EU Regulation 2134/2016 amneding Regulation 1236/2005. The licenses for import, export or transit of narcotics, medicines containing narcotics, psychotropic substances and precursors are issued by the ministry competent for health matters. This ministry also issues approvals for import and export of specific goods, such as blood products, microorganisms. The lists of goods subject to licensing or approval and the requirements for issuance thereof are provided in the Law on Psychoactive Controlled Substances, Law on Substances Used in Illicit Production of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances, relevant implementing regulations, as well as the Decision on Determining Goods Subject to Issuance of Specific Documents on Importation, Exportation and Transit. The licenses for import and export of substances that deplete the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases are issued by the ministry responsible for environmental protection. Within the group of ODSs, only HCFCs are allowed for import and are mostly used in refrigeration servicing sector. Consumption of HCFCs is controlled through licensing and quota system. Import of products and equipment containing or relying on HCFCs is ban from 15 April 2018 while the import / export of certain products and equipment containing or relying on f-gases requires a permit issued by the Ministry. The list of substances (ODSs and F-gases) and licensing requirements are laid down by the Law on Air Protection, the Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer and on conditions for issuing licenses for import and export of these substances (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 114/2013 and 23/2018), the Regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases management, as well as on conditions for license issuance for import and export of such gases (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 120/2013) and the Decision on determining the goods for whose import, export or transit is prescribed to obtain proper documents. Placing on the market of chemicals is free, in other words chemicals are imported and exported in line with the Law on Chemicals, the Law on Ratification of Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, Rulebook on Import and Export of Certain Hazardous Chemicals, and the Rulebook on Restrictions and Bans of Production, Placing on the Market and Use of Chemicals Which Represent Unacceptable Risk to Human Health and Environment. Import and export of certain substance whose production, placing on the market and use are subject to restriction or ban, as well as of certain mixtures and articles containing such substance, are subject to notification procedure or prior informed consent procedure (PIC procedure). Placing on the market of biocidal products is being conducted in accordance with the Law on Biocidal Products, which is harmonized with the Directive 98/8/EC concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market. According to the provisions of this Law, biocidal product may be placed on the market if 1) manufacturer or importer obtained the authorization for placing on the market and if 2) it is classified, packed and labelled and has safety data sheet, pursuant to this Law. Manufacturer or importer may place biocidal product on the market prior to obtaining the authorization for placing on the market, when the decision on inclusion of that biocidal product into the Temporary List for Delivery of Technical Dossier was issued pursuant to this Law. Lists of active substances given in the Annexes of the Directive 98/8/EC are transposed in the Lists of active substances in the biocidal product in the national legislation; they are regularly updated according to the amendments to these Lists at the EU level. Biocidal product is to be included into the Temporary List if such biocidal product contains active substance included into Lists of active substances or into the Programme for inclusion into these Lists, pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Biocidal Products. Import or transit of consignments of animals, products of animal origin, food of animal origin, feed, animal by-products and accompanying objects are subject to the decision on determining veterinary-sanitary requirements for import or transit of consignments, which is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management. The decisions are issued pursuant to the Law on Veterinary Matters. Import, export or transit of protected wild plant and animal species, their parts and derivatives, are subject to documents issued by the ministry responsible for environment, in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection, Law on Nature Protection, Law on Ratification of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Regulation on Placing under Control Use and Circulation of Wild Flora and Fauna, Regulation on the Designation and Protection of Strictly Protected and Protected Wild Species of Plants, Animals and Fungi, and the Rulebook on Transboundary Circulation and Trade in Protected Species. The species subject to issuing relevant documents are also listed in the Decision on Determining Goods Subject to Issuance of Specific Documents on Importation, Exportation and Transit. Export licenses for cultural goods are issued by the ministry responsible for culture, and export licences for goods enjoying prior protection are issued by the Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments (except for publications) and by the National Library of Serbia (for publications). Export licences for goods enjoying prior protection for the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina are issued by the Provincial Secretariat for Culture. The above licences are issued in accordance with the Law on Cultural Goods and its implementing regulations. Foreign trade in weapons, military equipment and dual-use goods is regulated by the Law on Foreign Trade in Weapons, Military Equipment and Dual Use Goods (LINK-ANNEX). The lists of goods are provided in the National Control List of Weapons and Military Equipment and the National Control List of Dual-Use Goods. Exporting and importing of goods specified in the National Control Lists are subject to a licence issued by the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development.
The Ministry of Economy and Regional Development issues licences for export and import of sports and hunting weapons, parts and ammunition thereof, commercial explosives, pyrotechnical products, precious metals. The lists of such goods are provided in the Decision on Determining Goods Subject to Issuance of Specific Documents on Importation, Exportation and Transit.
The licenses for import, export or transit of narcotics, medicines containing narcotics, psychotropic substances and precursors are issued by the ministry competent for health matters. This ministry also issues approvals for import and export of specific goods, such as blood products, microorganisms. The lists of goods subject to licensing or approval and the requirements for issuance thereof are provided in the Law on Psychoactive Controlled Substances, Law on Substances Used in Illicit Production of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances, relevant implementing regulations, as well as the Decision on Determining Goods Subject to Issuance of Specific Documents on Importation, Exportation and Transit.
The licenses for import and export of substances that deplete the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases are issued by the ministry responsible for environment. Import and export of products and equipment containing or relying on substances that deplete the ozone layer is subject to the opinion issued by this ministry. The lists of substances and licensing requirements are laid down by the Law on Air Protection, the Regulation on Ozone Depleting Substances Management and on Conditions for Issuing Licences for Import and Export of Such Substances, and the Decision on Determining Goods Subject to Issuance of Specific Documents on Importation, Exportation and Transit.
Chemicals are imported and exported in line with the Law on Chemicals, the Law on Ratification of Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, Rulebook on Import and Export of Certain Hazardous Chemicals, and the Rulebook on Restrictions and Bans of Production, Placing on the Market and Use of Chemicals Which Represent Unacceptable Risk to Human Health and Environment. Import and export of certain substance whose production, placing on the market and use are subject to restriction or ban, as well as of certain mixtures and articles containing such substance, are subject to notification procedure or prior informed consent procedure (PIC procedure).
Licenses for import and export of sources of ionizing radiation are issued by the Serbian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency. The licences are issued in line with the Law on Protection from Ionizing Radiation and on Nuclear Safety, and the lists of sources are provided in the Decision on Determining Goods Subject to Issuance of Specific Documents on Importation, Exportation and Transit.
Import or transit of consignments of animals, products of animal origin, food of animal origin, feed, animal by-products and accompanying objects are subject to the decision on determining veterinary-sanitary requirements for import or transit of consignments, which is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management. The decisions are issued pursuant to the Law on Veterinary Matters.
Import, export or transit of waste is subject to a license issued by the ministry responsible for environment, pursuant to the Law on Environmental Protection, Law on Waste Management, Law on Ratification of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal, Regulation on the Lists of Waste for Transboundary Movement, Content and Layout of Documentation Accompanying Transboundary Movement of Waste With Instructions for Their Completion, the Regulation on Designating Certain Types of Hazardous Waste That May Be Imported as Secondary Raw Material, and the Rulebook on the Content of Documentation To Be Submitted With the Application for Issuing License for Import, Export and Transit of Waste. Import, export and transit of specific types of non-hazardous waste are carried out in accordance with the Regulation on List of Non-Hazardous Waste Not Subject to Licensing, With the Documentation Accompanying Transboundary Movement.
Import, export or transit of protected wild plant and animal species, their parts and derivatives, are subject to documents issued by the ministry responsible for environment, in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection, Law on Nature Protection, Law on Ratification of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Regulation on Placing under Control Use and Circulation of Wild Flora and Fauna, Regulation on the Designation and Protection of Strictly Protected and Protected Wild Species of Plants, Animals and Fungi, and the Rulebook on Transboundary Circulation and Trade in Protected Species. The species subject to issuing relevant documents are also listed in the Decision on Determining Goods Subject to Issuance of Specific Documents on Importation, Exportation and Transit.
Export licenses for cultural goods are issued by the ministry responsible for culture, and export licences for goods enjoying prior protection are issued by the Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments (except for publications) and by the National Library of Serbia (for publications). Export licences for goods enjoying prior protection for the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina are issued by the Provincial Secretariat for Culture. The above licences are issued in accordance with the Law on Cultural Goods and its implementing regulations.
Decision on issuing marketing authorization for medicines (registration) and entering medical device into the Register of Medical Devices as well as approval for imports of medicines and medical devices which are not registered are issued by the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Serbia, in accordance with the Law on Medicines and Medical Devices and rules adopted based on this Law.
Documents |
Law on Foreign Trade in Weapons, Military Equipment and Dual Use Goods |
Contact |
Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia: Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 2, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Phone: +381 11 3113 432, fax: +381 11 3114 650 Sector for foreign trade policy, multilateral and regional economic and trade cooperation Nemanjina 22-26, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Phone: +381 11 2642 114 Website:
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia: Nemanjina 22–26, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Phone: +381 11 3613 251, +381 11 3614 890, fax: +381 11 26560548 Website:
Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia: Omladinskih brigada 1, 11070 Beograd, Serbia Phone: +381 11 3131 357 fax: +381 11 3131 394 Website: Nemanjina 22-26, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Phone: +381 11 3604 406, fax: +381 11 3616 603 Website:
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia: Nemanjina 22-26, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Phone: +381 11 2067 960, +391 11 3612 197, fax: +381 11 2607 961 Website:
Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia: Vlajkovićeva 3, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Phone: +381 11 3398 172, +381 11 3398 811 Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia: Sector for Environmental Management Department of Chemicals Omladinskih brigada 1, 11070 Beograd, Serbia Phone: +381 11 3132 572, fax: +381 11 3132 574 Website:
Masarikova 5/XV, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Phone: +381 11 3061 489, +381 11 3061 383, fax: +381 11 3061 552 Vojvode Stepe 458, 11152 Beograd, Serbia Phone: +381 11 3951 107, +381 11 3951 139, +381 11 3951 160, fax: +381 11 3951 181 Website: |

Sanitary, Phytosanitary and Veterinary Regulation

Border Police Control