Customs Administration is an executive authority of the Government of Serbia, within the Ministry of Finance, which implements the customs policy of the Republic of Serbia.

Customs Administration performs its tasks and duties through 15 regional units – Customs offices, which are further composed of smaller, internal organisational units - and Customs posts and such. Customs offices through their organizational units carry out customs procedures in the traffic of passengers and goods – customs supervision measures, customs clearance, prevention of illegal imports, customs administrative proceedings at first instance and issuance of customs offence orders, sale of customs goods and enforced collection of payment of customs duties.

Customs Administration provides for a proper and uniform application of the legislation within its scope of competences, supervises operation of Customs offices and customs officers, coordinates operations, cooperates with foreign customs administrations and international organisations, implements anti-smuggling measures, collects and analyses data with the aim to detect customs frauds, treats risks and carries out customs investigations, and  performs activities related to information technologies, organisational and human resources management, financial, general and procurement operations. Customs Administration conducts operations within its scope of competences through six divisions: Customs Procedures Division, Tariff Affairs Division, Human Resources and General Affairs Division, Financial, Investments and Legal Affairs Division, Enforcement Division and Information and Communication Technologies Division. Some of the HR management, financial and general affairs operations are carried out by the Customs offices as well.

By simplifying customs procedures, modernising the system of customs operations, providing training for its employees, and strengthening its cooperation with other national institutions and services, as well as by taking active participation in international and regional customs cooperation, the Customs Administration contributes to securing permanent public revenues, efficient international trade, as well as to maintaining safety, security and comprehensive protection.

Headquarters of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Serbia is located in Belgrade, Novi Beograd, at the address Bulevar dr Zorana Djindjica 155a.

Customs Administration of the Republic of Serbia:

Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 155a, 11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia



Serbian CEFTA Customs Contact Point (CEFTA CCP) is Mr. Milosevic Veselin, Acting Deputy Director General of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Serbia.

Contact details of Mr. Milosevic Veselin are:


Phone number: +381 11 319 61 17;

Fax number:+381 11 269 62 27;