What is subjected to the Sanitary Inspection

Subject to the sanitary inspection in the Republic of Macedonia are following products: Grains and grain mill products, Bakery products, Plant origin fats and oil, Additives for food products, Cocoa products, Chocolate, Cream products, Candy products, Cookies, Albumin products, Spices, Fruits vegetables and mushrooms, Pectin, Vinegar, Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, Food for babies and small children, Diet products, Additions for foodstuffs and probiotics, as well as products and materials which come into contact with food.

The sanitary measures at import include inspection of documentation, packaging, and markings regarding food safety, field organoleptic analysis or sampling and testing by competent laboratories. In case of import of animal origin food, the importer must have certificate for importing food of animal origin.

To export food from the Republic of Macedonia, the exporter is obliged to have a Food Safety Certificate issued by the Agency for Food and Veterinary, as proof of food safety.

Laws and Regulations

Professional and administrative matters concerning food safety, as well as safety of products and materials in contact with food are under the competence of the Agency for Food and Veterinary pursuant to the Law on Food Safety (Official Gazette 157/10).

The list on by-laws relevant for the sanitary inspection is provided on the website of the Agency for Food and Veterinary. 

Where is Sanitary Inspection Conducted

Sanitary inspection is being conducted on the designated border crossings of the Republic of Macedonia. The Sanitary inspection is performed by Official Food Inspectors on the border crossings. The list of Border Inspection Points of Entry (BIP) for sanitary inspection is provided by the Agency for Food and Veterinary.

Special conditions for importers and exporters

The importer is obliged to provide pre-notification for the consignments at least 24 hours before arrival on the BIP. The prenotification is done by the importers or persons responsible for the consignment. The procedure for importers/exporters has been described in details in the By-law for issuance of the sanitary certificates (Official Gazette 68/11 and 84/11).

Import / Export / Re-exsport / Transit procedure

Products of non-animal origin are controlled by the Food and Veterinary Agency. On arrival at BIP the consignment is checked by official food inspectors. They conduct  the documentary, identity and physical check on the consignment. The documentary check includes checking the certificate for import, document for laboratory analysis, document for paid administrative fees and other documents, if necessary.
During physical checks the inspector takes sample for laboratory analysis. The consignment is released into free circulation after the results of the laboratory analysis have shown that the goods are fine.

Supporting documents, Forms

Certificate for importing food of animal origin
List of Border Inspection Points of Entry (BIP) for sanitary inspection

All supporting forms for sanitary inspection are available (some in macedonian/some bilingual macedonian/english) on the web site of the Agency for food and veterinary, on the following link:


Documents available only on Macedonian:

Закон за безбедност на храната/Law on food safety
Правилник за издавање на санитарни уверенија/ By-law for issuance of the sanitary certificates (Official Gazette 68/11 and 84/11).
Листа на подзаконски акти релеватни за санитарната и ветеринарната инспекција/ List on by-laws relevant for the sanitary and veterinary inspection


Food and Veterinary Agency
Treta Makedonska Brigada bb, 1000 Skopje
Tel: 00 389 2 457893
       00 389 2 457895
Web site: www.fva.gov.mk
e-mail: druntevski@fva.gov.mk