What is subjected to veterinary inspection? |
A reference list of products requiring veterinary inspection is laid down in Commission Decision 2007/275/EC. In addition to them, inspection is carried out on products to be used as animal feed, too. |
Laws and bylaws |
Veterinary inspection procedures at border entry-points are governed by Law No. 9308 “On Veterinary Services and Inspectorate”, by Veterinary Overal Inspection Manual and Guidelines on the procedures to be followed at cross border . |
Where is veterinary inspection conducted |
The competent bodies for veterinary inspection are Border Veterinary Inspection Points (BVIP), Regional Veterinary Departments and the Veterinary Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Animal products may be imported or exported only through authorized border veterinary inspection points. Not all border check-points have Border Veterinary Inspection Points (BVIP). You can find the list of authorized border veterinary inspection points here. |
Prior to import |
Importers are responsible in front of veterinary authorities, for carrying out the required legal procedures . |
At the border |
Veterinary inspection procedures include the following: (a) Examination of Documents Following the documentary examination, the attached table 1 on the results of documentary examination is prepared. Based on the preliminary examination of documents, the Inspector decides on follow-up inspections, presenting his findings in the attached table 2. (b) Verification of Identity (c) Physical Inspection (d) Laboratory Inspection 5. At the end of the inspections, Veterinary Inspectors may either issue the Import/In Transit Permit, using the attached form for animal products or live animals, or reject import/in transit consignment, using the attached form |
Documents |
You can find information on Veterinary Inspection service fees here. |

Sanitary, Phytosanitary and Veterinary Regulation

Border Police Control