WTO status and membership in other trade associations |
Albania is member of the World Trade Organization since September 2000. By joining WTO Albania embarked on a long road of aligning its trade legislation with international and WTO rules. The Albanian trade regime is now fully in line with international trade rules. |
Laws and regulations |
Export and import regimes of goods are fully liberalized. Nevertheless, importation of goods detrimental to (i) human health, (ii) flora and fauna, and (iii) integrity and national security of the Republic of Albania is controlled by law. Such goods (export and import of which are subject to a license) are classified as: |
Institutions |
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy is responsible for monitoring the trade Regime in Albania. |
Export |
Export from the Republic of Albania is free, without any other restrictive measures, quotas, prohibitions or other tariff and non-tariff restrictions. No export duties apply on Albanian exports. |
Import |
Import into Albania is subject to customs tariff which are only "ad-valorem". Customs tariff apply on the 8-digit Combined Nomenclature of Classification of Goods. This Classification is fully in compliance with the European Community Combined Nomenclature. The tariff system is very simple. The most-favored-nation tariff system applicable is: 0%, 2%, 5%, 6%, 10% and 15%. Under FTA-s, Albania applies preferential import tariffs for CEFTA parties, EFTA parties, EU Member States and Turkey. In case of industrial products (chapters 25-97 of Classification of Goods Nomenclature) the tariff is 0%, while for agricultural products they are, as set out in the relevant agreements. Import into Republic of Albania is free, without any other restrictive measures, quotas, prohibitions or other restrictions. In case of controlled goods, Albania applies an import licensing system, which is laid down on a number of laws and regulations, relevant to implementation field. The system is fully in line with the World Trade Organization rules, and it complies with international obligations subject of international agreements. The license is granted only by submission of the required documentation and information. Import licenses are automatically and are issued only by reaching those requirements. There are no parts of automatic licenses these goods: medicinal products, military and dual-use goods, some larval water species (fish), and some species of live flora and fauna. A licensing fee applies to import licenses, as shown per attached table, where are listed the license costs and procedures. Under FTA-s, Albania applies preferential import tariffs for CEFTA parties, EFTA parties, EU Member States and Turkey. For further details on these quotas, please check the attached 2012 list of import quotas. |
Contact |
Official Adress: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy General Directorate of Trade Policy Tel: + 355 4 2222655 Email: pranvera.kastrati@mete.gov.al |

Sanitary, Phytosanitary and Veterinary Regulation

Border Police Control