Laws and regulations |
The inward processing Regime is applied based on articles 136-149 of the Customs Code of the Republic of Albania and articles 272-325 of its Implementing Provisions. |
Subject |
Inward processing is that customs regime which allows imports of goods to Albania or goods of Albanian origin, for manufacturing or processing and re-exports them from Albania in the form of compensated products. The Regime is issued only for goods which undertake the abovementioned processes.
The original imported product may or may not be distinguishable from the finished product. Compensating products are products resulting from processing operations. An essential element for computing the ratio of the usage of the raw material in the compensating product is the “rate of yield” which is the amount or percentage of the compensating products resulting from a given quantity of imported goods. |
Procedure |
The inward processing regime applies on the request made by the person processing the goods, to the General Directorate of Customs. For authorization of the regime, the following basic conditions should be fulfilled: |
Authorization |
The inward processing regime is approved through the Attached Authorization. |
Period for export or re-export of obtained goods |
The inward processing regime may be approved by the duty suspension system or the duty drawback system. The suspension system allows for preferential measures for the re-exportation of goods of non-Albanian origin which are meant to be re-exported in the form of compensating products, and which as such, are not subject to customs duties. The drawback system allows for preferential measures for goods of Albanian origin which are meant to be re-exported in the form of compensating products. The suspension and drawback system can be applied even if there is a combination of both cases. |
Systems/methods used for calculation of import duties |
The inward processing regime may be approved by the duty suspension system or the duty drawback system. The suspension system allows for preferential measures for the re-exportation of goods of non-Albanian origin which are meant to be re-exported in the form of compensating products, and which as such, are not subject to customs duties. The drawback system allows for preferential measures for goods of Albanian origin which are meant to be re-exported in the form of compensating products. The suspension and drawback system can be applied even if there is a combination of both cases. |
Particularities |
The authorization of this regime does not exclude goods under the regime from legal procedures of quantitative import restrictions. |
Contact |
For further information refer to: |

Sanitary, Phytosanitary and Veterinary Regulation

Border Police Control