Yes, the BiH “C” mark exists, which confirms the fulfilment of technical requirements for directives of new approach, respectively the adopted orders. Conditions and manners of placement of this mark on the products are explained in adopted orders and following annexes, and the mark looks as follows:
The producer needs to:
In the simplest manner, the “conformity assessment” means the review are the products, materials, services, systems or people in accordance with requirements of an adequate standard. For example, the customer will want to check is the product that he ordered from supplier adequate for the needed purpose. One of the most efficient manners to do that is when the specification of the products are defined in international standard. In that manner, both supplier and customer understand each other, even if they are located in different countries, because both are using the same references.
BAS standards are voluntary except if their application is obligatory by some technical provision.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the BiH standards (BAS) are being adopted by Institute for standardization BiH. Via expert bodies, the Institute is adopting original BiH standards and it is introducing international and European standards.
According to the Law on technical requirements for products and conformity assessment (OG BiH No. 45/04) Ministry of foreign trade and economic relations BiH is competent for nomination of institutions for conformity assessment. Until now, the Ministry did not nominate a single institution in BiH for the provisions that are classified as new approach, not even for the needs of market surveillance.
The CE mark is acronym from „Conformite europeenne” (eng. European Conformity). This mark shows that the product meets all essential safety requirements, protection of health and life of people, protection of property, protection of environment and protection of public interest, that are being provided in the EU directives in so called “new approach”. The CE mark is confirming that the conformity assessment procedure was respected with appropriate, adequate directives.
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* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo* declaration of independence.