What is subjected to veterinary inspection?

The Veterinary Law regulates the circulation of livestock, products of animal origin, veterinary control of the import, the export and transit of live animals and products of animal origin, and determines the rights and obligations of central and municipal government institutions, as well as of individual persons in this field.

Every consignment of products of animal origin or live animals shall undergo the veterinary control when imported to Kosovo from a third country. The person responsible for the imported consignment should make sure that all products of animal origin are presented for inspection at the border. Veterinary control is performed in all Border Crossing Points (BCP) and customs warehouses.

Laws and bylaws

The Veterinary inspection in Republic of Kosovo is regulated by Veterinary Law no 2004/21. All information related import/export and transit of animals and products of animal origin are governed by this law. This law and other useful information can be found on Food and Veterinary Agency of Kosovo http://www.auv-ks.net as well as Kosovo Customs web http://dogana.rks-gov.net

At the border

Veterinary Control on the Border Crossing and in Customs Warehouses

Veterinary control at the Border Control Point BCP http://www.auv-ks.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=186&Itemid=220&lang=en and customs warehouses shall be conducted by veterinary inspectors.

The competent authority shall determine:

• the import, transit and export freights that are subject to veterinary control
• border control points through which the freights subject to veterinary control may be transported
• requirements for the arrangement of the border control points in which veterinary controls are performed, and the procedures for their approval
• disinfection – prevention points
• procedures by which veterinary controls are performed at the Kosovo administrative and border line and in customs warehouses
• procedures and price-list related to the payment of veterinary control, and
• procedures regarding issuance and presentation of the veterinary control certificates of the freights crossing the border

Obligations related to trade and imports

The owner, the keeper, the dealer or importer, the consignee, the transporter, the seller or any other person authorized under the provisions of this Law to sell live animals, products of animal origin, biological products, semen, cells and embryos, by-products and plant products subject to veterinary requirements, animal food or veterinary medicinal products, or representatives of such persons, or any person in charge of a private veterinary activity subject to the provisions of this Law shall:

• place on the market only those animals which have been correctly identified, and which are not subject to any restriction of movement because of the suspicion, outbreak or existence of a disease referred to in the First Schedule or because of the application of safeguard measures.
• not place in a holding or on the market any animal, unless guaranteed as being free from one or more of the diseases listed in the Second Schedule, according to the provisions of this Law; refuse any animal, whether delivered directly or through an intermediary, which has not been correctly identified, and for which the producer is not able to guarantee that the animal is not subject to any restriction of movement because of the suspicion, outbreak or existence of a disease referred to in the First Schedule or because of the application of safeguard measures
• not accept in a holding, centre or organization, or in the market, any animal which is not covered by guarantees required under the provisions of this Law, that show that such animal is free from the diseases listed in the Second Schedule
• ensure that all animals intended for trade or slaughter meet the health requirements specified in this section or in any Administrative Instruction made thereunder
• before the consignment is divided up or subsequently marketed, check that the identification marks, certificates or documents are present, and notify the KVFS of any irregularity or anomaly and, in the latter case, isolate the animals in question until the KVFS has taken a decision regarding the said irregularity or anomaly
• report in advance the arrival of animals and products from other countries and, in particular, the nature of the consignment and the anticipated arrival date
• keep the health certificates or documents relating to the provisions of this law for a period of not less than six months, and not more than five years, as may be specified by the KVFS, for presentation to the KVFS, should the latter so request
• ensure that products of animal origin intended for trade have been furnished, checked, marked and labeled in accordance with the provisions of this Law, and are sent to the final consignee accompanied by a health certificate, animal health certificate or by any other document as may be required
•  ensure that products of animal origin intended for trade meet the requirements of the provisions of this Law and of any Administrative Instruction made thereunder
• ensure that products of animal origin intended for trade comply with all veterinary requirements at all phases of the production, storage, marketing and transport of such products
• ensure that standard tests are carried out on products to which this Law applies, whether the products are intended for export or for the Kosovo market
• place under official control any animal or product of animal origin, when requested to do so by the KVFS, until appropriate measures are taken by the KVFS
• at the request of the KVFS produce the certificates or documents necessary for conducting veterinary inspections related to the import of live animals and products of animal origin
• give sufficient prior notice to the veterinary inspection of the border inspection post, where the animals are to be presented, specifying the number, type and estimated time of arrival of the animals
• transport the animals under official supervision to the inspection site or, where applicable, to a quarantine centre, as may be directed by the KVFS
• forward advance information to the KVFS, by duly completing accompanying documents, certificates or documents delivered by the inspection service, or by providing a detailed description, in writing or in electronic form, of any consignment of products of animal origin, including the biological products, semen, cells and embryos, by-products and plant products subject to veterinary requirements
• pay the relevant fees for the inspections and controls referred to in this section, or in Administrative Instructions as may be prescribed thereunder
•  assist and co-operate with the KVFS in any activity, ordered by the KVFS, related to trading of animals and animals products, and investigations carried out at border inspection posts, and
• undertake any treatments or disinfections of animals that may be required by the KVFS.


Food and Veterinary Agency for Kosovo
Website: http://www.auv-ks.net

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Health

Kosovo Customs