Technical Requirements
Technical Requirements
Laws and regulations
Technical requirements define the obligations of physical and civil legal entities placing products in the market and/or in use, in order for the products not to be hazardous for people’s lives and health, to be harmless for consumers, environment, and property, along with other requirements foreseen under the technical requirements that must be implemented obligatorily and in continuity.
According to Law No. 02/L-20, relevant authorities issue technical requirements that define technical requirements for a product or a group of products as well as the procedures of conformity assessment provided for the:
• Safety of the products • Protection of the lives of the people, animals and plants • Protection of the environment • Protection of consumers and other beneficiaries • Protection of property • Protection of other general interests.
Technical requirements standard
Technical Rules shall be issued in order to harmonize the legislation of Kosovo with the legislation of the European Union in a technical scope. When issuing Technical Rules, consideration is given to international principles and obligations deriving from bilateral and multilateral agreements in order to avoid technical barriers to trade. A product is considered in conformity with the Technical Rules if it corresponds to the requirements of standards applied in Kosovo harmoniously with the European Standards.
The procedures description
Technical rules define technical requirements and procedures of conformity assessment that products should reach before physical and legal persons place them into the market and/or use, and:
• Ensure application of conformity assessment procedures with defined technical requirements • Issue or ensure declaration of conformity, certificate or any other document of conformity (hereinafter “document of conformity”) • Complete and maintain technical documentation in the determined size, form and time frames • Do the marking pursuant to provisions on conformity marks.
Technical Rules define the conformity assessment procedure for each group of products. For conformity assessment one of the following procedures or their combination is applied: | • Assessment of conformity by the producers of products • Assessment of product conformity completed by the conformity assessment body from a sample taken in the market or in the production process • Management of the system for ensuring quality during the production process • Examination of conformity and application of supervision of production system to ensure quality in the production process, applied by the conformity assessment authority
Ministry of Trade and Industry St. Muharrem Fejza, 10000 Prishtine Republic of Kosovo Website:,1 |
Last modified on Tuesday, 4 April 2014 at 9:34 am