Public procurement is the purchase of goods, services and works with public money by the Government and officials in public undertakings. Public procurement rules aim at ensuring that public money is spent in a transparent and efficient way, and that budget executors are accountable to the general public.
Public procurement in the Republic of Kosovo is regulated both institutionally and legally. Pursuant to Article 23 of the Public Procurement Law, each contracting authority will establish a Procurement Department.
In addition, in order to oversee public procurement activities in the Republic of Kosovo, the Public Procurement Regulatory Commission (PPRC)  and Procurement Review Body (PRB)   were established pursuant to the Public Procurement Law.

Public Procurement Regulatory Commission (PPRC)

The Kosovo Public Procurement Regulatory Commission was established pursuant to Article 81 of the Public Procurement Law no. 03/L-241. Under the Kosovo Public Procurement Law no. 03/L-241  , PPRC is responsible for the development, operation and overall oversight of the public procurement system in Kosovo exercising the functions the Law confers to it.

For more information about the Public Procurement Regulatory Commission, click on this link

Procurement Review Body (PRB)

PRB is an independent administrative body. PRB is a public authority and a budgetary organization that is subject to the Administration law. PRB is responsible for the performance of the functions assigned to it by the Kosovo Public Procurement Law (Law 03/L-241 ) and the Law on the Concession Award Procedure Law ( Law no. 02/L-44) in the area of addressing any appeals submitted under those Laws. For more detailed information about the Procurement Review Body, click on this link

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has developed laws and other regulations aiming at regulating the area of public procurement. Such laws and regulations include:

  • Law on Public Procurement in the Republic of Kosovo no. 03/L-241
  • Administrative Instruction UA 03-2011-KRPP[1]
  • Administrative Instruction UA 02-2011-KRPP[1]
  • Administrative Instruction UA 01-2011-KRPP[1]

To download the laws and administrative instructions governing public procurement in Kosovo, click on, then choose the language of your preference.
Procurement procedures

In performing procurement activities that lead to the award of a public contract or the granting of a plan or a project, the Contracting Authority has to follow one of the following procedures, in accordance with Articles 33-37 of the Public Procurement Law (PPL):

1. Open procedure;
2. Restricted procedure;
3. Negotiated procedure after the publication of a contract notice;
4. Negotiated procedure without the publication of a contract notice;
5. Price quotation procedure;
6. Procedures for minimal value contracts and immovable property contracts
7. Special procurement procedures for diplomatic and consular missions (Articles 122-128)

Tender documentation

The Public Procurement Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Kosovo is responsible for the development, operation and overall oversight of the public procurement system in Kosovo exercising the functions the Law confers to it. Under PPRC classification, documents are classified into the following categories:

1. Part A Regulations of Public Procurement Institutions
2. Part B Rules on Procurement Procedures
3. Part C Procurement Code of Ethics
4. Part D Rules of Review Procedures
5. Part E Standard Evaluation Forms
6. Part F Instructions on Public Procurement Procedures
7. Part G Procurement Manuals

All the documents above have been published in three languages—Albanian, English and Serbian—on the PPRC website:

Time terms 
Any time limit set by a contracting authority for the admission of tenders or participation applications has to be sufficient in order to provide interested economic operators with sufficient time to prepare and submit the documents in question. In setting a deadline, a contracting authority has to take into account the purpose and complexity of the procurement in question and the contract to be awarded, as well as the level of difficulty and/or complexity of the preparation of a tender or participation application.
The time limits for the admission of tenders or applications to participate in any Public Procurement activity in the Republic of Kosovo are regulated by Articles 44 to 47 of the Public Procurement Law.

Useful information on Public Procurement and tender notices in the Republic of Kosovo can be found in the following websites: